Intro to Tarot Reading: A Simple Guide for Newbies

Intro to Tarot Reading: A Simple Guide for Newbies

Listen up, my card-curious friends! I see you peeking around here, wondering what tarot is all about. Well, you came to the right place!

In this guide, I’m gonna break down everything ya need to know to start slaying at tarot readings—from deck basics and card meanings to spreads, interpretations, and bringing the magic into everyday life. No experience required!

I’ll be real with you though—tarot seems kinda mystical and intimidating at first. That’s totally normal! But here’s my promise: by the end of this, you’ll be flexing some serious psychic muscles and blowing minds with your card skills.

So grab your favorite beverage, put your feet up, and let’s dive into the tarotverse!

What is Tarot, Anyway?

Alright, tarot 101. What in the hocus pocus are these card thingies?

Tarot decks are a set of 78 illustrated cards that have been used for centuries to provide guidance, clarity, and insight into the past, present, and future. Each image is symbolic, containing messages from the universe revealed through interpretation.

From medieval times up through the modern hipster era, people have turned to tarot for:

  • Making big decisions 🤔
  • Gaining self-knowledge 🧠
  • Working through challenges ⚔️
  • Uncovering hidden truths 🕵️
  • Connecting to intuition 💭
  • And basically shining some cosmic light on the many twist and turns of life! 🌌

So think of tarot readings as a sacred conversation—between the reader, the cards, and whoever is receiving insights from the deck. Listen closely to this convo, and you’ll hear exactly what you need in that moment.

Unlike what movies might show, tarot isn’t supernatural or psychic—it simply reflects your own subconscious wisdom back to you. With practice, the cards become a tool to better understand yourself and the world around you.

But shhh, let people think you’re magic anyway!

The Tarot Deck Breakdown

Alright newbie, time to get friendly with an actual tarot deck so you can start flexing those card slinging muscles!

Let’s take a tour of the standard elements you’ll find inside most decks.

Two Main Sections

A tarot deck contains 78 total cards broken into two main categories:

⋆ Sparkly Magic Section ⋆

The Major Arcana - These 22 “trump” cards depict significant archetypes and life lessons. If the rest of the deck lived in an sitcom, the Majors would be the main star characters! Each has its own symbolic meaning and story that we’ll dig into more soon.

A few you may have heard of: The Fool, The Magician, The Empress, The Lovers, The Hermit

⋆ Day-to-Day Drama Section ⋆

The Minor Arcana - The remaining 56 cards deal with more everyday realms of life. If the Majors are the Macbeths and Lady Macbeths, the Minors are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Still important, just less grand if ya know what I mean.

The Minors include numbered cards from Ace to 10 and four “court cards” in each of the four suits. More on them in a sec!

The Four Mystical Suits

Within the Minor Arcana, the 56 cards are divided into four mystiiiiical suits:

🪄 Wands - The suit of fire, passion, drive, ambition

🍵 Cups - The suit of emotions, relationships, intimacy

⚔️ Swords - The suit of intellect, communication, conflict

💰Pentacles - The suit of the material/physical realm — $$$, health, etc.

Each suit relates to different aspects of daily life and personality. Together, they make up the Minor Arcana fam.

Court Cards: The Gossip Queens

Last but not least, we have the court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King in each suit. You can think of these as the gossip queens stirring up drama within the four suits!

Court cards often represent actual people or personality traits at play in your sitch. For example, the Queen of Wands could symbolize a confident pal who gives good advice. Or she might mean it’s time for you to embrace your inner bold badass!

We’ll explore more about these drama starters later. But for now, just get familiar with the basic deck crew roles:

  • Pages - Learning, messages, curiosity
  • Knights - Movement, action, skill
  • Queens - Creativity, compassion, nurturing
  • Kings - Leadership, authority, protection

Meet and greet the whole gang, and you’ll be ready to start cracking open their secrets!

Choosing the Perfect Tarot Deck

With countless gorgeous decks out there, how do you choose your new tarot bestie? Consider these factors when picking out the deck that calls to you...

Artistic Vibes

Aesthetics matter! After all, you’ll be spending a ton of time with your cards. Choose a deck with artwork and colors that give you good vibes. When the imagery truly resonates, the messages shine brighter.

Material Matters

Pay attention to the feel of the deck as you fan through—the solidness of the cardstock, the finish. A sturdy yet flexible deck will last through countless shuffles. Consider a laminated coating if you have klutzy tendencies like me!

Interpretation Info

For total newbies, I recommend starting with a classic Rider-Waite or Rider-Waite-Smith deck. The symbolism is easy to learn from and sets you up with a solid tarot foundation.

Once you’ve got street cred, you can explore more unique or abstract decks. But get the basics down first!

Intuitive Inkling

Here comes the woowoo your intuition! If a deck is pulling you in, there’s probably a good reason. Don’t ignore the inexplicable urge to grab a mysterious dragon deck or a glittery cat goddess set!

Variety is the Spice of Life

Feel free to build up an eclectic deck collection! Use an oracle or affirmation card set for variety or quick daily guidance. Just make sure to spend quality time with one deck first before playing the field.

Digital Decks Exist Too!

If you’re on a budget or want ease of use, try out an app like Labyrinthos or Golden Thread Tarot. The card images may be less stunning than a real deck but could be a nice starter option.

The most important thing is choosing a deck that makes your soul buzz with excitement! When tarot time feels like chatting with an old friend, that’s when the magic happens.

Prepping for a Rad Reading

You’ve bonded with your deck and are stoked to start shuffling. But before doing a reading, a little preparation goes a long way!

Set Your Intention

Take a moment to ground yourself by setting a clear intention for the reading.

Maybe do a quick meditation to focus your mind on the topic and quiet any distractions. Lighting a candle or refreshing your space with a cleansing spray also helps create a sacred atmosphere.

This ritual shifts your energy in a more receptive, insight-ready direction.

Energize the Deck

Once you’re in a calm yet focused headspace, grab your cards. While concentrating on your question or concern, shuffle the deck.

This infuses your energy into the cards, allowing them to tap into the juiciest insights. Let the querent (person receiving the reading) shuffle too if they want.

Cut That Deck!

After shuffling sufficiently, cut the deck into three piles, then re-stack them. Cutting releases concentrated energy and resets the order. Plus it looks pro.

With your mind clear, space prepped, and cards shuffled, you’re ready to start revealing cosmic truths!

Choosing Your Reading Spread

Now for the fun part—laying out your spread!

The spread refers to how you arrange the cards, which gives structure and meaning to the reading. Different spreads provide unique shapes, perspectives, and insights.

Here are three spreads perfect for beginners:

The Simply Snazzy 3 Card

This spread keeps it simple, covering past, present and future. Nice for a quick snapshot of any situation!

Card 1: The Past

Card 2: The Present

Card 3: The Future

The Classic Celtic Cross

Feeling fancy? The 10 card Celtic Cross delivers a superbly thorough reading exploring all angles of a sitch.

Card 1: Present

Card 2: Challenge

Card 3: Foundation

Card 4: Past

Card 5: Possibilities

Card 6: Future

Card 7: You

Card 8: Environment

Card 9: Guidance

Card 10: Outcome

The Relationship Spread

When romance is the topic, this 5 card spread provides the love insights you crave...

Card 1: Your Perspective

Card 2: Their Perspective

Card 3: Strength of Connection

Card 4: Weakness

Card 5: Advice

Experiment with different formations based on your topic and desired level of detail. The cards will reveal their secrets accordingly!

Interpreting Your Spread

You’ve laid your cards in formation and are eying their mysterious symbols. Now what?

Interpretation time! Slow down and tune into the quiet wisdom within each image and position. Here are some tips:

Notice First Impressions

Pay attention to any initial reactions or impressions that pop out about the cards’ meanings. Your gut feelings often tap into truths!

Check Traditional Meanings

For reference, look up each card’s common interpretation in a guidebook. But don’t take these textbook definitions as gospel...

Weave Your Own Meaning

Let the traditional meaning spark your own unique interpretation based on the imagery, characters, symbols, and how they relate. The cards tell an evolving story.

Consider Context

Factor in the surrounding cards, spread position, and question asked to derive tailored meaning. For example, Death next to The Lovers may signal a breakup.

Trust Your Intuition!

At the end of the day, have faith in your abilities. The “right” understanding will come to you intuitively if you open your mind and heart to the cards’ messages.

Like any skill, interpreting spreads gets easier with practice. Before long, you’ll be flexing some serious psychic muscles!

Reading Reversals: To Flip or Not to Flip?

When it comes to reading reversals (upside down cards), tarot readers fall into two camps:

Team #FlipThatCard

Some readers use reversed cards for extra insight. For example, the upright Three of Cups represents celebration and friendship. Reversed, it means overindulgence and risky behavior. Reversals add nuance.

Team #KeepItUpright

Other readers only use the upright position, believing it provides sufficient meaning. Limiting reversals also simplifies interpretation for beginners.

Which Team are You?

There's no right or wrong way. Experiment for yourself! If reversals resonate for certain cards or situations, incorporate them. If not, keep it classic.

The key is staying open-minded to layers of meaning so you can flex those intuitive muscles!

Pulling It All Together

You’ve gazed at the cards from all angles and tuned into their hidden messages. Now it’s time to summarize the reading!

Synthesize what you’ve uncovered into concise, constructive advice for the querent. Highlight patterns and connections between cards in different positions.

Tie it all back to their original question, and explain how they can apply the cards’ wisdom in a positive way.

Deliver these cosmic insights with care and compassion. The final message should leave them feeling uplifted, empowered, and enlightened!

Tarot Ethics: Use Your Powers for Good!

With great tarot reading abilities comes great responsibility, young grasshopper!

Let’s review a few ethical guidelines to ensure you’re slinging cards for the greater good:

Keep It Confidential

A reading reveals the querent’s inner world and personal matters. Keep this sensitive info completely confidential, like doctor-patient level private!

Avoid Mind-Reading

Don't imply your cards can read people's minds or thought patterns. Instead, gently guide the querent to reflect on how your interpretations may apply.

Empower, Don’t Direct

The cards provide perspective, not orders. Let the querent make their own choices. Your role is simply to illuminate their path, not dictate the “right” moves.

Know Your Limits

You’re not a therapist! Be discerning if complex issues like trauma or self-harm arise. Offer compassion, but have local crisis line numbers on hand for further support.

Use your spidey senses responsibly, young reader. Lead with empathy, and your powers will grow.

Busting Myths About Tarot

Before we dive deeper into tarot practice, let’s clear up some of the biggest misconceptions floating around out there...

Myth: Tarot is Evil or Against Religion

Fact: Tarot is spiritually neutral and not associated with any belief system. Readers from all faith backgrounds use the cards without conflict as a tool for self-reflection.

Myth: Tarot Predicts the Future

Fact: The future is never set in stone! Tarot reveals likely outcomes based on current trajectories—not guaranteed destiny. The future shifts as you do.

Myth: Every Reading is 100% Accurate

Fact: There are no absolutes or “right” interpretations. Each reading reflects the filtered perspective of the reader. Trust your own intuitive voice.

Myth: You Have to be Psychic

Fact: With practice, anyone can learn to interpret the cards effectively! Special powers not required.

Whew, feels good to lift that mystical veil and see tarot’s true colors! Now let’s explore how to make the cards really work their magic...

Crafting Crystal Clear Questions

Asking thoughtful questions is key to getting the juiciest guidance from tarot.

Keep it Specific

Broad inquires like “will I ever find love?” are hard to tackle. Get specific about situations or decisions to glean insights you can act on.

Seek Understanding Over Mind-Reading

Avoid “what is my partner thinking” questions that seek psychic certainty. Instead ask “How can I better understand my partner’s needs in our relationship?” Open and reflective is best!

Embrace Open-Endedness

Questions with yes/no answers limit your reading. Leave space for the cards’ unexpected wisdom with “how can I...” or “what do I need to know about...” prompts.

Stay Neutral

Don’t front-load questions to try and force specific answers. Come in with an open mind and receive the cards’ messages as they come.

With practice crafting intuitive yet focused questions, your readings will guide you to eye-opening aha moments and positive breakthroughs!

Tarot Card Meanings 101

Learning the symbolism and significance behind each of the 78 cards is crucial for tapping into tarot’s full power. Grab a notebook and your thinking cap—it’s Tarot Meanings 101 time!

We’ll start with the 22 Major Arcana cards which depict the soul’s journey through major stages of development. These archetypes pack a significant punch in readings!

The Majors - Mystical Mentors

Here are just some of the key icons of wisdom and lessons in the Major Arcana crew:

0 The Fool 🤡 - New beginnings, blind faith, innocence

I The Magician 🪄 - Manifesting goals, resourcefulness, power over circumstances


II The High Priestess 🧝🏻‍♀️ - Listening to intuition, inner wisdom, divine feminine

III The Empress 👸 - Abundance, nurturing, fertility, beauty

IV The Emperor 🤴 - Structure, authority, leadership, reason over emotion

V The Hierophant 🧖‍♂️ - Institutions, tradition, society and its rules

VI The Lovers 👩‍❤️‍👨 - Passion, romance, relationships, temptation

X The Wheel of Fortune ✨ - Cycles, change, destiny’s mysterious hand

XIII Death ☠️ - Endings, change, deep transformation

XIX The Sun ☀️ - Joy, positivity, success, vitality

XX Judgment ⚖️ - Rebirth, awakening, absolution

XXI The World 🌎- Completion, wholeness, integration

Take time studying each Major Arcana mentor - their lessons are invaluable!

The Minors - Pragmatic Pals

Now onto the Minor Arcana amigos...

Aces - Opportunity, gifts, seeds of potential

Pages - Messengers, students, curiosity

Knights - Movement, action, skill

Queens - Compassion, creativity, nurturing

Kings - Protection, authority, leadership

Together the four suits cover the practical realms of life:

Wands - Passion, creativity, enterprise

Cups - Emotions, relationships, inner life

Swords - Intellect, communication, conflict

Pentacles - Finances, career, physical world

Make friends with each Minor Arcana pal, and they’ll guide you through life’s twists and turns!

There’s so much more to learn about tarot card meanings that we can’t cover it all here. But this foundation should get you started interpreting with confidence!

Leveling Up Your Spreads

You’ve got card meanings down, so now it's time to level up your spread game!

Let's explore some intermediate spreads to take your readings into deeper territory.

The Zodiac Spread ⭐

This 12 card spread aligns with the 12 zodiac signs to illuminate your overarching life path:

1️⃣ Aries - Spirit, willpower, motivation

2️⃣ Taurus - Finances, values, talents

3️⃣ Gemini - Communication, curiosity, connections

4️⃣ Cancer - Emotions, home, intuition

5️⃣ Leo - Passions, creativity, inner child

6️⃣ Virgo - Skills, service, wellbeing

7️⃣ Libra - Harmony, balance, partnerships

8️⃣ Scorpio - Transformation, intimacy, shadows

9️⃣ Sagittarius - Exploration, wisdom, purpose

🔟 Capricorn - Career, legacy, responsibilities

1️⃣1️⃣ Aquarius - Innovation, humanity, ideology

1️⃣2️⃣ Pisces - Spirituality, compassion, dreams

Reflect on how each card relates to your astrological essence. Cosmic wisdom awaits! 🌠

The Tree of Life 🌳

Based on the Kabbalah, this spread helps align your soul:

1️⃣ Crown - Divine purpose

2️⃣ Wisdom - Inner voice

3️⃣ Understanding - Mental patterns

4️⃣ Love - Relationships

5️⃣ Strength - Willpower

6️⃣ Beauty - Creativity

7️⃣ Victory - Self mastery

8️⃣ Splendor - Abundance

9️⃣ Foundation - Physical world

🔟 Kingdom - Service to others

Like roots grounding a tree, the cards in this formation reveal how to stand strong.

The Four Elements 

Get back to basics with the elements spread:

🔥 Fire - Energy/passion

🌊 Water - Emotions/intuition

🌪 Air - Intellect/communication

🍃 Earth - Material/physical realm

Examine each realm for balance and integration. Are any elements over or under-developed? Use this wisdom to grow. 🌱

Keep exploring new spreads as you advance your tarot wisdom! Formations with more cards provide richer life insights.

Activating Your Psychic Senses

Your natural intuition is tarot’s secret sauce! Follow these tips to awaken your inner psychic abilities:

Observe First Impressions

Pay attention to your immediate reactions to the cards before overanalyzing. Your initial hot takes often capture the core meaning.

Loosen Up

Don’t force interpretations that don’t resonate. Relax and let the meaning flow to you intuitively instead of grasping for textbook definitions.

Reflect on Dreams

Pay attention to any tarot symbols or themes that arise in your dreams. Your subconscious holds key insights!

Trust Your Vibes

When a card’s meaning feels right energetically, go with it! Don’t second guess vibes that jive with your intuition.

With practice, you’ll learn to trust those psychic spidey senses. The cards will illuminate a whole new world!

Reading Tarot for Self-Growth

Beyond forecasting the future, tarot offers a mirror into your inner soul. Some ways the cards facilitate self-knowledge:

Exploring Your Shadow

The cards often reveal fears, desires or weaknesses you’ve repressed. Confronting your shadows leads to wholeness.

Mapping Your Journey

Certain cards or spreads encapsulate your life path. Seeing your journey mapped out provides perspective on where you’ve been and where you’re heading.

Clarifying Your Calling

Pay attention if certain Major Arcana like The Magician or The Empress come up repeatedly. The cards may reflect your soul’s purpose!

Understanding Your Archetypes

We each contain every archetype, but some express more strongly in our personalities. Notice which Major Arcana you identify with.

Use tarot as a tool for inner reflection, and discover untold depths to your being.

Using Tarot Spreads for Relationships

When love is the topic, tarot spreads can reveal the inner workings of any relationship. Here are some formations that offer relationship insights:

The Relationship Balance Spread

  1. What you offer
  2. What they offer
  3. Strengths
  4. Weaknesses
  5. Advice

This spread uncovers how you each contribute and where work is needed.

The Relationship Balance Spread ⚖️

1️⃣ What you offer 2️⃣ What they offer 3️⃣ Strengths 4️⃣ Weaknesses 5️⃣ Advice

This spread uncovers how you each contribute and where work is needed.

The Relationship Timeline Spread 🕰

1️⃣ Beginning 2️⃣ Early days 3️⃣ Conflict 4️⃣ Maturing 5️⃣ Present 6️⃣ Future

Look at your relationship’s progression through time. Does the sequence tell a story?

The Relationship Heart Spread ❤️

1️⃣ Your core 2️⃣ Their core 3️⃣ Connection 4️⃣ Disconnection 5️⃣ Love
6️⃣ Blocks 7️⃣ Potential

Dive deep below the surface into your relationship’s true essence.

As your reading skills strengthen, tarot becomes an even more powerful tool for understanding your closest bonds!

Embracing Synchronicity

Here’s a mystical tarot truth - when you devote yourself to the cards, serendipitous signs start popping up everywhere. Wild, right? 🤯

These “synchronicities” might look like:

  • A phrase that keeps repeating unexpectedly 🤔
  • Symbolic imagery that stands out 👀
  • Uncanny coincidences and deja vu moments 😳
  • Randomly discovering a meaning you never noticed 💡
  • Connections clicking out of the blue 🔌

When intriguing syncs arise during or after readings, see them as affirmation you’re aligned with the right energies. Fun tarot bonus! ✨

Pulling Tarot Into Your Daily Flow

Once tarot clicks, find small ways to integrate it into your regular routine:

Morning Motivation

Pull a daily card each morning to help set the tone and intention for your day.

Tarot Journaling

Reflect on a card through stream of consciousness journaling. Or keep a tarot diary tracking how daily cards interact with your real experiences.

Inner Work Check-Ins

Draw a card relating to something you want clarity around—a conflict, recurring issue, goal, etc. Journal about the card’s unique insight on the topic. Check in regularly to track shifts.

Quick Counsel

Keep your deck in your bag for on-the-go guidance. Draw a card when needing a little cosmic pep talk or nudge in the right direction.

Infuse a pinch of tarot magic into your days and watch your relationship with the cards grow even deeper!

Wrapping Up Our Tarot Intro

Well my friends, we’ve scoured the mystical depths of the tarotverse together!

Hopefully you feel a little more at home with these symbolic guides and ready to commandeer the tarot ship.

Remember, interpretation skills develop with time and practice. Don’t stress about memorizing everything immediately. Just embrace tarot’s playful wisdom, and trust where the cards take you.

If any part still feels confusing, sit with it longer. Let it marinate and reveal itself slowly, insight by magical insight. It’ll all click into place eventually!

Most importantly, have fun making tarot your own. There’s no one right way—just an open road of discovery.

Now grab your deck, get shuffling, and let the cards illuminate a wondrous new world! This is only the beginning of our tarot friendship...


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